Turn it in assigment so no plaigarism even 1% After reading the assigned materia

Turn it in assigment so no plaigarism even 1%
After reading the assigned materials, select whichever ONE topic/article to which you’d like to respond located on the Reading responses on your class website
In a Word document, type a response of minimum 600 words that includes the topic or name of the article that you selected and only a short review and your thoughts and ideas.Type“Word Count” and provide an word count at the END of your response.
In SUMMARY: Please choose your topic and write your response that will include a short review and your thoughts and opinion. See also page 10 ( grading criteria) and 16 in your syllabus.
Rubric for the Reading Response#1: TOPIC: Indicate which topic you have chosen1 points
#2: Please write your thoughts and opinion on the topic Include: Opinion based on information from reading or lesson, provoking or challenging new idea informed by reading, 2 any type of references, in APA or AMA style)10 points
#3: Now respond specifically to the questions I have post under each topic.Include: Opinion based on information from reading, provoking or challenging new idea informed by reading14 points
#4: Write: “Word count” and be sure you have 600 words minimum. If there is more it is fine, BUT not more than 800 words.5 points
Choose topic 11

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