This assignment must include: 1. At least 300 words 2. scholarly citations in AP

This assignment must include:
1. At least 300 words
2. scholarly citations in APA format
3. The writer’s perspective must be that of a Christian Worldview.
Prompt: In today’s culture, there have been increasing numbers of legal challenges targeting Christians in event and event support businesses (e.g., cake bakers, caterers, florists, and venue owners) who have refused their services to prospective clients because the events at issue were contrary to the respective service providers’ Christian worldview. Even the U.S. Supreme Court has commented on these types of religious belief conflicts in the special events industry (e.g., Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission in 2018). Assume the student is a committed Christian with traditional biblical beliefs who is also an event-related business owner. The student shall respond to the following:
(1) Explain how they would address requests from individuals and organizations that wish to contract with their business to celebrate events typically seen as being beyond the pale of traditional Christian values (e.g., Pride events, gay marriage, abortion, divorce, gender reassignment, and non-Christian religious celebrations). Will the student’s decisions be zero-sum, or are there appropriate compromises? If so, what are those compromises? And, by what standard are the compromises acceptable?
(2) If the student has no conflict between their Christian worldview and servicing these types of events as a business owner, how would the student handle pressure from fellow Christians as well as the pastoral and elder leadership at their place of worship to cease offering their services for such events?

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