There are two threads this week (below). You may post to one or both threads; yo

There are two threads this week (below). You may post to one or both threads; you need a total of 6 posts.
Thread 1: Knee
There are two soccer players with knee injuries. One has an isolated ACL sprain and the other has an isolated MCL sprain. Neither injury requires surgery, and there are no other structures injured. What types of precautions should be taken during the rehabilitation process with each injury? How would the rehabilitation programs differ? How would they be similar? Please cite the sources of your information!
Discussion Guidelines
Thread 2: Knee Exercises
In this discussion, please list any exercises you feel are pertinent for the knee. Provide a brief descriiption of the exercise, when it is appropriate to use in the rehabilitation process, variations of the exercise, and the function of the exercise. Please cite the sources of your information (including photos, videos, handouts)!
This will help everyone in their development of rehabilitation sheets at the end of class!

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