The parameters of ECDSA are given by the curve E : y2 = x3 + 2x + 2 mod 17, the

The parameters of ECDSA are given by the curve E : y2 = x3 + 2x + 2 mod 17, the point A = (5,1) of order q = 19 and Bob’s private d = 10. Answer the following to show the process of signing (Bob) and verification (Alice) for the hash values h(x) = 9 and ephemeral keys kE =8.
R = kEA = 8.(5,1) =
[ Select ]
r = xR =
[ Select ]
s ≡ (h(x)+d · r)kE−1 mod q ≡ (9+10.r).8-1 mod 19 ≡
[ Select ]
w ≡ s−1 mod q ≡
[ Select ]
u1 ≡ w· h(x) mod q ≡
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u2 ≡ w· r mod q ≡
[ Select ]
P = u1 A+u2 B = 12A + 11B =
[ Select ]
xP ≡ r mod q ⇒valid signature

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