The paper should be between 1-2 pages. I will provide you a summary of hazardous

The paper should be between 1-2 pages. I will provide you a summary of hazardous situations and their associated risk from our previous class assignments.
Evaluate the risks and select your top three (3) hazardous situations.
Develop a mechanism for making decisions for Non-conformance, CAPA, Recalls, and Holds and provide your rationale for the recommendation (a decision tree or similar).
Using the decision mechanism, determine the action needed for your top three hazardous situations with a rationale
.Be prepared to discuss and defend the top 3 priorities through discussion(not included in the 1-2 PAGE,DISCUSSION IS SPERATE)
For the next assignment (Making Risk Decisions,
Here are the events that you need to evaluate in your decision tree/making risk decision assignment.
You could create a single decision tree that works for None/Non-Conformance/Hold/Recall/CAPA…or a decision tree for each evaluation.
You should not create a decision tree for each situation…the point of this assignment is to create a management tools (decision tree) that could be use on any event.
It may be easier to start with figuring out the decision you would make for each situation in the Excel table…and then create the decision tree.
I have seen this assignment being answered in only a few pages …Background on considerations for the decision tree; the decision tree (indicating the out come for all events); the table for reference; and selecting the 3 to focus on with the action plant / rationale.

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