Schleiermacher is known as the “father of liberal theology,” and argued that per

Schleiermacher is known as the “father of liberal theology,” and argued that personal religious experience– not reason– was the authoritative basis of religious truth. How do you think Schleiermacher’s theological understanding influenced contemporary Christianity’s emphasis on individualization and personal interpretation? Do you think this is a good thing? Why or why not? Support your answers.

Write a short paper (600-word minimum, 1000-word maximum) that incorporates your responses to one or more of the following prompts:
Step three:
Type up your answer in Microsoft Word then upload it to Canvas (or cut and paste it in the text box provided) by following the instructions found when you click on “Submit assignment” on the right-hand side of this page.

Yes, spelling and grammar count. In addition, your paper should demonstrate your ability to:
Carefully read and understand the ideas presented by another person.
Analyze, compare, and contrast different points of view objectively and respectfully.
Thoughtfully respond to questions raised about what you have read.
Communicate your ideas in a clear, concise manner that is polished, professional, and free of typos, colloquialisms, slang, emoticons, etc.
Include at least one direct quote from your reading, and two points or ideas/ quotes made in the videos/ podcasts to support your argument.

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