Read the job description of a Senior Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst on the previous page.
Conduct further research on a Senior Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst’s roles and responsibilities.
Write a reflection paper of not more than 1250 words to address the following questions:Which professional characteristics do you think are most important for this role?
Compare the private sector Senior Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst to that of a public sector one. Articulate the differences, similarities, advantages, disadvantages, strengths and weaknesses.
Discuss the types of knowledge, skills and abilities a Senior Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst is expected to have in the areas of applied intelligence ethics, critical thinking, psychology, communication, and analysis. Back up your discussion with relevant examples and citations from your research.
Reflect on a Senior Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst’s ethical code of conduct.How has your understanding of a cyber threat intelligence analyst’s ethical code of conduct evolved since you first learned about it at the beginning of the Master’s in Applied Intelligence program?
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