Provide in the plain text R commands that finds/solves the following: Create an

Provide in the plain text R commands that finds/solves the following:
Create an integer variable e holding the value 42! Check the object class of e with class()!
Convert e to the character data type with as.character()! Check the object class again!
Create a character vector friends with four names from your circle of friends or acquaintances!
Index the second element from the vector friends!
Replace the first element of the vector friends with “Isolde” and check the updated vector again!
Create a vector v1 from the following elements 1, “Hello”, 2, “World” ! Check the object class!
Create a vector v2 with numerical values (only integers) ranging from 4 to 10!
Index the first three elements from v2!
Index all elements of v2 except the second element and save the result as v2.subset!
Use the length() function to find out the length of v2.subset (= the number of elements in the vector)!

Posted in R

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