project step 4, create and submit a SQL sсrіpt containing your data manipulation

project step 4, create and submit a SQL sсrіpt containing your data manipulation language (DML) statements to insert your sample data into your database and your twenty queries (12 basic, 8 advanced) for a ″Doggy daycare″. Within the consolidated technical report, you must include the complete textual output from running your DDL, DML, and queries successfully. You will also include a literature review of similar systems in your report. Your final score will include the evaluation of the collection of output as well as a live, error-free expected run of your sсrіpt in the environment. Primary key being the doggy ID#
20 SQL Queries (12 Basic, 8 Advanced) Minimum Requirements:
Query 1: Select all columns and all rows from one table
Query 2: Select five columns and all rows from one table
Query 3: Select all columns from all rows from one view
Query 4: Using a join on 2 tables, select all columns and all rows from the tables without the use of a Cartesian product
Query 5: Select and order data retrieved from one table
Query 6: Using a join on 3 tables, select 5 columns from the 3 tables. Use syntax that would limit the output to 10 rows
Query 7: Select distinct rows using joins on 3 tables
Query 8: Use GROUP BY and HAVING in a select statement using one or more tables
Query 9: Use IN clause to select data from one or more tables
Query 10: Select length of one column from one table (use LENGTH function)
Query 11: Delete one record from one table. Use select statements to demonstrate the table contents before and after the DELETE statement. Make sure you use ROLLBACK afterwards so that the data will not be physically removed
Query 12: Update one record from one table. Use select statements to demonstrate the table contents before and after the UPDATE statement. Make sure you use ROLLBACK afterwards so that the data will not be physically removed
Perform 8 Additional Advanced Queries

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