Please read the below Instructions carefully to write the artifacts: Download th

Please read the below Instructions carefully to write the artifacts:
Download the MS Word document ( e-portfolio artifact template) and fill in your Name and Student Number.
Copy and then paste the information from the journal 1 – 7 to the appropriate place in the template. Only upload the template AFTER all your Journals have been graded by the Instructor.
You must copy and paste your R esume into this document. you must complete the About Me section and Professional Goals and all the 6 Competency sections artifacts in the template. i.e. Communication, Leadership, Professionalism, Team Work, Critical Thinking, and Technology. When that is done, use Grammerly, MS Editor or another program to correct as many errors of spelling, punctuation, grammar and mechanics as possible. Please write the definition for each and every competency. Each page must has a picture that describes the competency.
All the required files are attached
here is a sample :

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