Please answer the following questions: 1. Of the variables contained in this fil

Please answer the following questions:
1. Of the variables contained in this file, which of them are quantitative data?
2. Of the categorical variables, are any of them measured on an ordinal scale? If so, which?
3. Which of the variables could be used as the dependent variable for an independent sample t
4. Which of the variables could be used as the sole fixed factor (IV) for a Single Factor ANOVA?
5. If you were interested in whether or not there is a significant relationship between Southern
Residence and Union Membership, but were not going to use a correlation, what test could be
6. Use SPSS to run Descriptive statistics for the quantitative variables. Do any of these variables
appear to not be normally distributed? If so, which one(s)?
7. Use SPSS to run an Independent Samples t test using Annual Wages as the DV and Gender(Female, yes or no) as the IV (Grouping Variable). State the alternative and null hypotheses that would be used for this test. Then, state the p value (significance level) and the conclusion that would be reached based on that p value.
8. Use SPSS to run an ANCOVA test using Annual Wages as the DV, Gender as the factor and
Occupation as the covariate? State the alternative and null hypotheses that would be used.
Does this test produce a usable result? If so, what is the conclusion? If not, why not?
9. Run a Pearson correlation matrix for Years of Education, Nonwhite, Hispanic, Female, Years of
Work Experience, and Age. If we were to use these variables as IVs in a multiple regression,
would we have any problems with multicollinearity? If so, between which variables?
10. Run a multiple regression using Annual Wages as the DV, Years of Education, Nonwhite, Female,
Years of Work Experience, and Union Membership as the IVs. Use the Stepwise method. Which
IVs actually make it into the final predictive model? What is the equation associated with the
final model? What is the Adjusted R Squared value associated with the final model?

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