Pick and watch a Title/Intro from the website artofthetitle.com (https://www.art

Pick and watch a Title/Intro from the website artofthetitle.com (https://www.artofthetitle.com/title/trafic/) What I’d like you to do, in particular, is watch the title and discuss it for a half to a full-page typed covering the below
1 . How is the type displayed (is it static and faded in/out? Or does it move across the screen? Does it do all these things? etc).
2. Use the categories of “Calligram” and “Rebus” to describe the text when appropriate so PLEASE READ THESE before you write your Assignment).
3. How does the Title/Intro communicate the story or plot of the film (is it fairly direct? Abstract? Does it start before the film, or is it part of the film right away? etc).
4. Does the Title/Intro tell the story of the film well (or do you think it hampers it, or is so “out there”, that it misses its chance to help out the film)?
5. Also, any other thoughts you find of interest to fill out the discussion

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