Pick a social issue that you learned in this class from one of the modules and t

Pick a social issue that you learned in this class from one of the modules and that was of interest to you. Analyze the issue using the weekly readings. You must define the social issue, why it is important to you, how it relates to class themes and concepts, and how the course themes and concepts can help to solve/resolve the social problem. For example, you can examine the school-to-prison-pipeline impacts on people of color, how it takes place, why it takes place, the ramifications of this process, and how social theory can help to shed light/resolve/solve this issue. Or the process of incarceration, education, or housing disparities can be examined and connected to race/ethnicity and/or racism for example.
You can use any format that you are comfortable with. The final paper must be between 3-5 pages in length, double spaced, 12 font and Times Roman and the following (if you are doing a recorded presentation no more than 7-10 minutes long and must include a PowerPoint with sources that you are referring to):
A citing of the chapter you are reflecting upon
One peer-reviewed journal article source that supports your reflection
At least one of the theories that were covered on week 1
Explain how the issue/topic affects a minority group
Be focused on the issues of race, ethnicity, its construction and ramifications.
Works Cited Page
Those who choose recorded presentation must also include slides
Those who choose recorded presentation will receive up to 5 extra points.
*Please note Final will be submitted via Turnitin.
“Race in America.pdf book link “

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