Objective: These two readings, “Mexican Murals and Diego Rivera” / “An Introduct

Objective: These two readings, “Mexican Murals and Diego Rivera” / “An Introduction to the Murals,” will further explain the making and meaning of the murals (meaning is derived from the content of the murals).
First, read the article by Sam Lewisohn and then read my “Introduction to the Murals.” Your task for this assignment is to come up with an observation arising from these two readings. Your observation must consist of some type of discovery; that is, something you caught in the readings and which has thus added more to your understanding of the course subject.
Guidelines: Thus, do the following. 1) State your observation and 2) Elaborate on how it has added more to your understanding of the course subject. Provide a comment of at least twenty-five sentences.
This assignment is worth 5 points but only if it complies with the instructions stated. Click reply to enter your comment or open a new thread.

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