MUST NEED AND KNOW HOW TO USE AUTOCAD will upload more instructions attached to

will upload more instructions attached to a google drive once tutor is chosen
Directions for execution:
1) Open your title block drawing which can be found in the google drive files – which is named ti-Tblk-24×36.dwg
2) Create attdef’s for each of the shown values in place with appropriate justifications and in an appropriate font and size.
3) Wblock each group of attdef’s in the appropriate file, making the base point 0,0 (Choose the attdef’s one by one in the order stated in the instructions)
For the project information pic from the top down project name, street address city state. For the sheet info, tag, you can start with sheet number, then sheet title lines, and then do all the rest top down. Don’t worry, it’s not imperative that you have them in a specific order at this point. it is provided you put all of the attribute definition in your W blocks, regardless of the order

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