Introduction: This assignment incorporates all of the concepts you have learned

Introduction: This assignment incorporates all of the concepts you have learned about across the quarter. It is a chance for you to apply the concepts all within this last assignment.
Read the assigned article by Charlson et al., 2022.
Design a qualitative or mixed methods research study to explore a problem or issue described in this article.
Submission requirements:
Use this downloadable template, to complete your final assignment:
Use the boxes below each question to provide your answer. Your response does NOT have to fill the box.
Use size 11 font.
Include references from the learning material materials from across the quarter for every answer (unless otherwise specified)
Include the specific page number you are citing for each answer. (For documents that do not have page numbers, you can cite the page number of the PDF file.)
The maximum points you can earn for this assignment is 20.
This is an opportunity for you to use your knowledge of qualitative and mixed methods research to design a study that is highly relevant to current challenges in public health.

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