Instructions: The goal of this week’s writing assignment is twofold: Develop you

The goal of this week’s writing assignment is twofold:
Develop your general research question into a carefully constructed research question that meets the FINER criteria
This should be the final research question for the class. Please let me know if you need help refining (message or office hour)
Describe the study design you would employ to answer it, being careful to select a study type described in the reading
In your paper, please complete the following tasks:
Briefly introduce the background to the topic you are interested in and explain why it is significant
Hint: pay attention to the comments I provided from the last writing assignment!
State your refined research question that meets the FINER criteria
Describe how you would design your study
What study design would you employ?
What population are you interested in?
What exposure/intervention are you interested in evaluating?
What is your primary outcome of interest?
*FINER =Feasible, interesting, novel, ethical, relevant
Hi I attach the study type for the study design.

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