Instructions Find a blog of an #ActuallyAutistic adult, and spend at least 20-30

Find a blog of an #ActuallyAutistic adult, and spend at least 20-30 minutes looking through their site. You can find a list of #ActuallyAutistic blogs at this web link. You can also surf the web to find a different blog–it doesn’t have to be on the list. The blog does not have to be a written blog. You can also use material from a TikTok, Twitter, YouTube, podcast.
NOTE: It also can be someone who is not #ActuallyAutistic but neurodivergent in another way (e.g., ADHD, intellectual disability, learning disabilities, etc.).
Post the link to your chosen blog on this Discussion Forum. You can also see the blogs from your classmates posted here.
Original post: In no more than 250 words, describe the process that the author of blog post went through to reach their diagnosis (or self-diagnosis). You may need to search through some of their blog entries to find this information. If there is no information about their diagnosis journey, move on to another blogger that may have an explicit post or video on this topic. If you have trouble, email me and I am happy to help you identify an appropriate one.
This is the link:

List of blogs by Actually Autistic bloggers

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