Instructions are attached. This is a 4 page double spaced argumentative essay ab

Instructions are attached. This is a 4 page double spaced argumentative essay about free will. The essay is based on this question “Do we have free will, or is everything we do traceable to a complex series of causes and effects over which we have no control? In your essay, show how the problem arises, discuss the three major theories about free will, and support one of them with your own argument.” It’s an argumentative paper and I have decided to take the stance that free will does exist.
These are the resources I was going to take from. Please let me know.
1. Muench, D. (2018). Free Will?: Interpretations, Implementations, and Assessments. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
2. T. J. Mawson. (2011). Free Will: A Guide for the Perplexed. Continuum.
3. Mark Balaguer. (2014). Free Will. The MIT Press.

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