Initial Response Instructions:Please respond to the questions below, based upon

Initial Response
Instructions:Please respond to the questions below, based upon these course objectives:
Describe the roles of professional social workers in communities and within organizations
Explain social service delivery systems and networks
Discuss how social workers impact organizational change to benefit service users
Identify and describe evidence-based interventions within communities and organizations
Develop assessment and evaluation of knowledge and skills related to organizational services, function, processes, and strategic planning
Develop community assessment skills for identifying and solving complex community problems
Describe and discuss organizational leadership styles and skills
Develop macro advocacy skills for social causes
Appropriately apply NASW Code of Ethics in relation to macro advocacy
Please answer the following questions with supporting examples and full explanations.
For each of the learning objectives listed above, provide an analysis of how the course content and activities supported each objective.
Explain how the material learned in this course, based upon the objectives, will be applicable to your professional setting.
Provide evidence (citations and references) to support your statements and opinions. Your responses to these questions are due by Tuesday at noon. There are no peer responses required for this discussion.
All references and citations should in APA format.

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