Informatics for Quality Improvement Project The student will develop a paper tha

Informatics for Quality Improvement Project
The student will develop a paper that explores an actual problem and analyzes implementation considerations, challenges, and strategies that may be useful for practitioners.
            Example topics in major areas of emphasis include, but are not limited to:
1.    Patient Care Delivery: enhanced efficiency of nurse access to relevant and timely patient information, reduction of nursing errors during patient care delivery, challenges with technology integration or limiting system failures, ergonomics of information technology, or evaluation of new technology impacting patient care.
2.    Consumer Health Promotion: best practice for synthesizing and delivering consumer health information, optimal technologies to deliver consumer health promotion, determining factors for consumer health information collected in relation to communicating with the patient, social media use, or protecting against data breaches.
3.    Information Technology and Education: utilization of information technology to further nurse education, use of simulation, use of social media, and information literacy.
4.    Nursing Research and Informatics: defining nursing data sets (nomenclatures and terminologies), enhancing patient confidentiality (privacy and security), or best practice to organize and disseminate data.
You will identify one, or more, potential informatics-based solutions to the problem identified.
The paper should be formatted according to APA guidelines n.
Here is a suggested format for the paper:
•    Define and/ or describe the problem
•    Detail the significance and impact of the problem
o    Who are the stakeholders? (Examples: executive leadership, clinical departments, IT department, medical staff, legal counsel)
o    Why is the problem important to the stakeholders?
Gap Analysis
•    Resources used to gather data regarding the problem
o    Include the Healthcare Management Information System (HMIS) accessed (Example: Electronic Health Record – EHR)
•    Stipulate the steps that were taken to investigate the problem
Workflow Analysis
•    Visual depiction (step by step) of the existing process or practice (a process map) – this must be included!
•    Analyze and describe where inefficiencies, breakdown of process, and/ or communication occurs
o    Differentiate Value Added versus Non-Value Added Steps
Proposed Solution
•    Outline the proposed solution(s)
o    Clearly outline what you are trying to accomplish; compelling vision
o    Define the technology(ies)
o    Articulate how the technology(ies) will facilitate workflow and/ or transform practice to improve patient outcomes
o    Specify at least three (3) data points to be measured and the monitoring tool that will be used to show opportunities for improvement, modifications, and/ or sustainability
•    Explain implementation issues and challenges for the identified informatics prioritiy(ies) (Example: ethical, human and financial resources, coordination with other entities, composition of the workflow redesign team)
•    Framework: Performance Improvement (PI) Model
•    Define and describe selected PI Model including rationale for its fit to the proposed solution (Examples: Waterfall Model; PDCA – Plan, Do, Check, Act; Six Sigma)
•    Role of the leaders in introducing a change strategy
o    Consider organizational readiness, strengths, and barriers
o    Suggested model for leading organizational change (Examples: Kotter’s 8-step process, Lewin’s Change Management Model) including rationale for selection
o    Proposed communication plan
Summary: Final recommendations and conclusions

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