Double space using 12pts font * 1 inch margins all around * Minimum length: 3

Double space using 12pts font
* 1 inch margins all around
* Minimum length: 3 & 1/4 pages totaling 1,100 words. The music critique should be a minimum of 3 & 1/4 pages totaling 1,100 words, with a large reduction of points resulting for anything less than 3 & 1/4 pages totaling 1,100 words.
* Do not put your name, title, date, or course name in the critique as a header. There should be no need to cite research, and you should use the pronoun ″I″, as the critique will be based on your unique musical perspective.
* Indent paragraphs and write in full sentences with correct grammar, verb agreement, and spelling.
* Sentences should follow in logical sequence.
* The critique should begin with an introduction paragraph (which includes your thesis statement and states both your cultivated & vernacular video choices), a ″body″ of at least 3 paragraphs, and ends with a conclusion paragraph that relates back to the thesis and demonstrates how the body of the critique fulfilled the thesis.

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