Chapter 14, “Determining Project Progress and Results.” Topics include: Change c

Chapter 14, “Determining Project Progress and Results.” Topics include:
Change control systems.
Monitoring and controlling risks.
Reporting project progress.
The importance of reporting.
Wall Street Journal, “U.S. port backups are extending into freight rail supply chains,” Link:
One year ago ports were back upped, not one year later, ships yards have a lot of empty containers.
Wall Street Journal, “Idled ships, empty containers. Ocean shipping faces biggest slump in years” link:
Please read Chapter 14 and the Wall Street Journal articles before answering the questions below.
How could transportation and logistics operators work to develop a balanced scorecard for project determination (Exhibit 14.1) focused on reduced demand and empty containers?
How could project progress communication, either from the ports or freight rail supply chains, help with the empty containers?
Last discussion board question: Please tell the class 3 concepts that you learned more about, or learned about for the first time. How will you be able to utilize that knowledge in future projects?

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