At the conclusion of this unit, the student will be able to do the following: *

At the conclusion of this unit, the student will be able to do the following:
* Understand what basic kinds of data are included in “raw” clinical data sets extracted from a data warehouse.
* Learn how to analyze and understand “raw” data.
* Apply Excel operations and formulas to obtain basic descriptive statistics and perform calculations.
* Create calculated fields in Excel.
* Convert text demographics data into numerical format for further analysis.
* Locate and recognize missing data, and understand its implications on validity of the dataset and final outcomes of analysis.
* Familiarize themselves with common definitions and terminology of a healthcare dataset, and form expectations for requesting and processing patient data.
Unit Introduction
Are all datasets created equal? If you had no prior exposure to manipulating data in Excel or in another similar spreadsheet application, the data science students need to become familiar and comfortable with applying formulas and other operations to understand and “massage” data prior to performing analysis. But those who have utilized formulas and performed calculations in Excel in the past may have not done it with healthcare data sets. In this unit, we learn what kinds of data could come out of a dataset extracted from a healthcare enterprise data warehouse, get comfortable with summation of data, identify and understand core terminology of the healthcare data, look for missing data and understand its implications on analysis of outcomes, and prepare a set to be utilized for its intended purpose.
There are typically more than one methods of approaching a task in Excel or similar program, especially when it comes to calculations and running descriptive statistics. You will notice a few hints included throughout the assignment that will guide you through some comprehensive dataset analysis and preparation tasks, but primarily students will be on their own to explore the set and make key decisions in regards to techniques applied to solve simple and complex problems within it. There are many online guides for solving Excel problems freely available on the Internet, but those who had little exposure to Excel as a statistical and data conversion tool may wish to obtain a book from many choices typically available at a local bookstore or library. No latest version of a book or the software application itself are typically necessary. Any relatively recent version will do, and the same applies to a PC operating system. Happy data exploration, everyone!
Your deliverables for this exercise are:
Excel spreadsheet containing answers that are required to be implemented in Excel per assignment instructions. Post to the assignment folder for this Unit.
Word or PDF document with the remaining answers that are straightforward questions or require some written elaboration / justification. Post to the assignment folder for this Unit.
see attached document for instructions and guidelines

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