answer the questions: HCA 6913 Graduate Seminar – Healthcare Payor Entities Mod

answer the questions:
HCA 6913 Graduate Seminar – Healthcare Payor Entities
Module Three
Study Questions
Medicare Plans and Reimbursements
Article: Medicare and You
1) Describe Part A of a Medicare plan and what services are covered.
2) Describe Part B of a Medicare plan and what services are covered.
3) Describe Part D of a Medicare plan and what services are covered.
4) What is Medicare Advantage (Part C)?
5) What are the differences between the Original Medicare plan and a Medicare
Advantage (Part C) plan?
Article: NHE Projections 2021 – 2030 Press Briefing
6) Summarize the major findings for the National Health Expenditures for 2021-
7) Interpreting from the graph outlining Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth
and health share of GDP, how has the contribution of health expenditures
contributed to GDP.
8) Interpreting from the graph/slide, describe the projected growth of
enrollment and spending in Medicare from 2019 to 2030.
9) From the hospital trends slide, describe the projected changes in hospital
service utilization.
10) From the physician and clinical service slide, describe the projected changes
in physician and clinical services utilization.
Article: Who Benefits When the Government Pays More?
11) What is the impact of increases in Medicare Advantage reimbursements on
Medicare Advantage enrollment? How do increases in Medicare Advantage
reimbursements affect the number of private insurers offering Medicare
Advantage programs?

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