answer questions for: HCA 6913 Graduate Seminar – Healthcare Payor Entities Mod

answer questions for:
HCA 6913 Graduate Seminar – Healthcare Payor Entities
Module Six
Study Questions
Tribal Health Systems and Indian Health Services
Article: Toward Tribal Health Sovereignty
1)What is meant by the term tribal sovereignty?
2)Briefly describe whether federal law is required to establish tribal sovereignty.
Article: American Indian Health Policy Historical Trends
3)What is meant by the “Trust Responsibility” between the federal government and Indian tribes?
4)The following question are designed to help the student trace the historical development of Indian healthcare in the U.S.
a.Describe the intentions of the Snyder Act of 1921?
b.What was the intended purpose of the Transfer Act of 1954?
c.Explain the purpose and importance of the Indian Self Determination Act of 1975.
d.What were the intents and purposes of the Indian Healthcare Improvement Act of 1976?
Article: Indian Health Services Spending
5)Explain the differences in structure and eligibility between IHS, VA Medicare and Medicaid.
6)Describe the differences in per capita spending between HIS, VA, Medicare and Medicaid.
Article: Native American Health Disparities: What Can be Done?
7)Describe the chronic health conditions experienced within the Native American population.
8) Describe the leading causes of death within the Native American population.
9)Describe the five Strategies for Enhancing Native American Health and reducing Disparities.

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