After completing the reading and video content, please complete a 500-700 word e

After completing the reading and video content, please complete a 500-700 word essay that addresses each of the following points.
Your essay should be one cohesive paper with accurately documented sources in APA format. You should not number each point, but rather incorporate each seamlessly in your essay.
Specifically referring to your content out of Chapters 8 and 9 from your textbook, please explain why prescription medications and alcohol are defined as “legal” in modern society. For example, how does their status compare to that of illegal drugs, such as cocaine and heroin?
After reading the module content, and doing your own independent research, explain the similarities and differences between the regulation of alcohol and the regulation of prescription drugs. Please give three specific examples in your response.
Based upon what we have read, and any additional content you would like to include, are there any types of drugs that should have the same legal, or regulated, status in society such as prescription drugs and alcohol? Justify your response.
Giving specific reference to the Ted Talk for this module, explain in detail the barriers that prevent important information about clinical trials being made available to physicians.
Advocate for one important policy change that will enable physicians and the public alike to have more important information about legal, physician-prescribed drugs in society.
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