A common belief is that information security is only an issue for the IT Departm

A common belief is that information security is only an issue for the IT Department. Review the following case study (attached) about IT governance and answer the following questions.
Bhattacharjya, J., & Chang, V. (2007). The Role of IT Governance in the Evolution of Organizations in the Digital Economy: Cases in Australian Higher Education. 2007 Inaugural IEEE-IES Digital EcoSystems and Technologies Conference, 428-433.
> Do you believe IT security is only an issue for the IT Department? If yes, why? If not, why not?
> What do you believe are some key issues in the context of adopting formal IT governance processes in businesses or organizations?
> What are the business benefits of improving formal IT governance practices?
Need 3-4 pages. No introduction or conclusion needed. Must provide peer-reviewed citations including the attached paper.

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