you will identify one (1) specific element of sex trafficking, labor trafficking

you will identify one (1) specific element of sex trafficking, labor trafficking, or childhood commercial sexual exploitation. (As in, not the broader topic but a specific element.) You will run this through the AI tool of your choice using the appropriate language prompts. From this, you will have the program to write a 3-page paper for you. You will then evaluate the paper for factual integrity, bias, misleading statements, and overall quality. You will turn in your notes regarding this evaluation (example provided in class). Then, you will write a 1-page reflection paper on the challenges and strengths of preventing and responding to victimization within a highly AI and algorithm environment.
Prompts to utilize:
Write me a 3-page formal essay on XXX within sex trafficking/labor trafficking/childhood commercial sexual exploitation using scholarly sources.
Using empirical sources write me a 3-page college-level essay focused on XXX as it relates to sex trafficking/labor trafficking/childhood commercial sexual exploitation.

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