You are expected to utilize class materials to generate your answers, not plagia

You are expected to utilize class materials to generate your answers, not plagiarism generating software like AI or Chat GPT, you are not expected to use internet searches to find these answers. You should use your book and class materials. Work that is not your own will not be eligible for full credit. Answer the following questions below to answer in a short paragraph or two, a list, or a chart. Each answer is worth up to 10 points, You may submit files and images via Canvas OR bring hard copies to class. You need to complete all parts of all four questions for credit. Please type as much as of your work as possible (okay to submit photos of handwritten squares, charts math, etc, as long as it is neat and legible) and make neat charts if applicable
Please answer the following question:
6 Primates: If you are observing a skeleton with the following traits, how would you classify this species? After identifying a species, or at least a genus, list the most likely primary mode of locomotion, and dietary pattern. Be as specific as possible, given what you know.
1 The dental formula is 2:1:3:3, the dental arcade is V-shaped
2 The skeleton is very small (approximately10 inches/25cm). The tail is thin, but longer than the body.
3 The foot/ankle bones and leg bones are elongated relative to the arms.
4 The eye orbits are not fully enclosed, but there is bone behind the eye (more than a post orbital bar) and the eyes are very large
5 The teeth have sharp cusps on the molars and premolars
1 The dental formula is 2:1:2:3, the dental arcade is U-shaped
2 The skull has heavy brow ridges, and the post cranial skeleton is about 5 feet or 1.5m, there is no tail present.
3 The leg bones are longer than the arms (intermembral index is around 70), the ankle bones are short and round
4 The eye orbits are fully enclosed, there is a boney ear tube, and a low forehead
5 The cranium is between 700-1000cc in volume
1 The dental formula is 2:1:3:3
2 The size is somewhere between the first and second primate above
3 The arms and legs are of nearly equal length
4 The tail is muscular and curved, with a finger-like pad at the end
5 The habitat is arboreal
1 The dental formula is 2:1:2:3
2 The size is between primates 2 and 3
3 The arms are longer than the legs, and the toes and fingers and toes are long and curved
4 The brain is larger than primates 1 and 3, but smaller than primate 2
5 The canines are very large, but the molar teeth are worn smooth. The incisors are broad.

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