Would this be a PowerPoint assignment? yes, and has flowcharts, code outputted i

Would this be a PowerPoint assignment?
yes, and has flowcharts, code outputted images
I′d need help making the flowcharts in presentation as well
I do, I have a past version of presentation for reference and also slide template, I can provide the python codes as well
Some of the images have updates due to code changes, so those would have to be implemented
All the slides have pictures, and I need about 6-7 slides
there is a need of 2 flowcharts, one for each code (Dlowchart samples are attached)
And also this as a requirement
I want you to present the frontier of computer vision and graphics.
It needs to be formal, all the images can be outputted from the code. the volume fraction′s an input in the second sсrіpt. You can change that. Output the images using an online python interpreter and put the needed or necessary screenshots/images in the presentation. Make it 6-7 slides long with intro and content slides. and 4-5 slides for the main code (2-3 for each).

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