Which influence tactics are more likely to be used by people wielding each type

Which influence tactics are more likely to be used by people wielding each type of organizational power (legitimate, reward, coercive)? Which are more likely to be used by people wielding each type of personal power (expert, referent)? Explain your reasoning.
To what extent does an effective leader need to be able to employ both soft and hard influence tactics? Under what circumstances are soft tactics more likely to be effective? Under what circumstances are hard tactics more likely to be effective?
To what extent are small, innovative start-ups more or less likely to be characterized by organizational politics and political behavior than large, well-established multinationals? How does the size of a company affect the extent of organizational politics?
Application Essay:
Discuss the four types of organizational politics presented in this chapter. What are the positives and negatives of each type? How as a manager could you offset or reduce the negative outcomes associated with each type?
1200 word requirement is to be proportionately distributed over the 4 essay prompts. (You are NOT writing 1200 words per essay question). *Some students may feel inclined to provide more support in order to adequately and freely respond to the prompt(s)… therefore feel free to exceed the minimum target if desired.
Your overall document will be at least 7 pages total, inclusive of cover page and reference page.

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