What is the “repressive hypothesis”? How and why does Foucault say it is incorre

What is the “repressive hypothesis”? How and why does Foucault say it is incorrect?
this isnt a Ted Talk, dont start by asking the reader a question. This isnt a blog, dont say “back in the day” or some other slang
paragraph one is supposed to be an introduction. THE VERY FRIST sentence should tell me what you paper is going to be about. You should NOT analyze things in your first paragraph. Defining a term in the first paragraph is ok
If your first paragraph is a page long, you have messed up. made a mistake, and are doing it wrong. go back and edit that!
Each time your ideas shift, you need a new paragraph. and whatever you put in the first sentence of your paragraph, the rest of the paragraph needs to be related to that sentence
Don’t start a paragraph with a quote
3–conclusions are good, but everything else is FAR FAR more important.
Try to leave your personal opinions for the end in the conclusion
You should only use the notes and the chapter 10 provided in the files, no other sources. The book is Contemporary sociological theory and it’s classical roots the basics 5th edition by George ritzer and Jeffrey stepniksy and it’s chapter 10 which is already provided in the files and again NO OTHER SOURCES

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