Week 7 After reading chapter Five, read the article titled: “No Pay, No Play! Po

Week 7
After reading chapter Five, read the article titled: “No Pay, No Play! Poor kids banned from school carnival”. You will be writing an Action plan for the school titled PS 120. (The article is in module 7.)
Before beginning, read the case example on page 104, that involved a school with a large Hispanic population and an event that was mishandled and resulted with many children feeling left out, or invisible. This case example and Action plan will prove to be beneficial when you are working on Module seven’s assignment. The case on page 104, is an example only. It is not part of your assignment.
*Also, make sure you read the “Announcement” that augments this assignment.
The Module 7 assignment will be based off of the oversights and mistakes regarding staff education and funding in the PS 120 case. Meaning you are learning from the oversights made from the first PS 120 carnival. You will take what you have learned and will format an Action plan for the next school carnival.
Be very aware that there are two components that must not be overlooked moving forward. There is an emotional awareness/sensitivity component (staff education), as well as a business component (funding), that must be addressed. If you do not address both components in this assignment deductions will occur.
You are to use the format below. Based off of the two components, you will demonstrate how each will unfold in your plan of action. You will state what you plan to address in each section and then you will follow with a paragraph that explains the goal for the step.
The school PS 120 has a lot to learn in regard to hosting school activities and they need your help. You have read the article regarding the previous carnival, and you know that the structure of the 1st carnival was not well received and needs restructuring.
There is going to be another carnival and you are in charge of orchestrating a plan of action that will lay-out steps to follow and goals to meet before the carnival begins. It is your job to develop an “Action” plan on a “Personal/Interpersonal” level, as well as an “Organizational level”. This means you are addressing two action plans. The Personal/Interpersonal level is directed towards the staff. The business level is directed towards funding.
You will be presenting this Action plan to the school board.
Remember, in step 4, you will need to explain HOW you are planning to “measure” the progress. How will you know if you have achieved the outcome that you are seeking if you do not have a way to measure the progress? How will you know if it is working so far, or if you need to make changes?
You will format and address your Action in the following manner:
Action Plan
Personal and Interpersonal Level -(Staff/Faculty)
A). Address the emotional component of this Action plan – Remember to view 14 personal competencies!
State the Objective
State the goals for this step.
State the Action Steps –
What are the goals for this step?
State the Timetable –
What are the goals for this step?
State the Measures of Progress –
What are the goals for this step?
Organizational Level (Funding)
B). Address the Business component of this Action plan.
State the Objective
State the goals for this step.
State the Action Steps –
State the goals for this step.
State the Timetable –
State the goals for this step.
State the Measures of Progress –
State the goals for this step.
Watch the video and post your discussion about the relevant social media topic in the video.
Watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W31Xy2wp7wc

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