Week 2 Journal: Theological Bioethics At the end of each module, you are challen

Week 2 Journal: Theological Bioethics At the end of each module, you are challenged to demonstrate your integrated knowledge of the week’s material by putting course resources and discussion into thoughtful conversation with your own life and the life of the world. Remember that your goals are to demonstrate that you understand and are applying course material (whose ideas you CITE parenthetically) to your own life and the world. Guidelines: Your entry should be 400-600 words. Anything less than a full, double-spaced page is probably not sufficient. I do NOT expect you to treat this reflection as an essay with a thesis statement that you defend throughout the essay. I DO expect that your reflection will consist of well-written, well-organized paragraphs with topic sentences and unifying themes. I DO expect that you will use this opportunity to dig into the ideas that have most intrigued you, bothered you, excited you, and baffled you, and to bring those ideas into conscious dialogue with your own life today and your hopes and plans for yourself and our world. I DO expect that you will use and cite course material. I DO expect that you will illustrate your points with specific examples. I will offer a few particular questions or ideas that may be helpful for you to consider in this journal assignment. You are not restricted to those themes; they are there to help you get started. Week 2 Journal: Explore the promise and problems of thinking about bioethical issues theologically. Questions like the following can help you get started: What is the role of theological ethics in a religiously pluralistic world? How can and should theological insight enter into conversation? Why are religious groups concerned with bioethics? What are some examples of ways theological discourse might enhance our understanding of bioethical issues? What are some examples of ways theological discourse might make bioethical issues harder to understand and resolve? What are some examples of ways theological discourse might be effectively communicated to people who are not part of the theological conversation but share an interest in enhancing human flourishing and the common good?

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