Use 1.5 line spacing, no font size larger than 12pt. <br /> &l

Use 1.5 line spacing, no font size larger than 12pt.

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<br />Set your top and bottom margins at 1”, left and right margins at .75”

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<br />Cite sourced material parenthetically, follow MLA standard format for all documentation as required.

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<br />CONTENT:

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<br />Compare, contrast (OR combine comparison and contrast) two of the three plays assigned as viewing. You may not use the subject of your Critique paper as a subject here. (Example: If you write a critique on Tartuffe, because it's essentially a souped up version of the review you already had to write and you're really smart like that, you must then compare or contrast Oedipus Rex with Death of a Salesman)

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<br />The focus of your paper is up to you to decide. How you compare or contrast the two works is entirely up to your determination. The two links given below provide excellent explanations and strategies of how to be successful with this type of writing and how to find focal subjects. I strongly encourage you to adopt the tactics offered by these websites in terms of choosing subject and organizing your paper.

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