Unit 3 DB: Four Anti-Bias Education Goals
For this week’s discussion, we will focus on anti-bias education goals. You will learn about and apply one of the four (4) anti-bias education (ABE) goals: 1) Identity, 2) Diversity, 3) Justice, and 4) Activism.
1. Read the article:
Derman-Sparks, L., & Edwards, J.O. (2019, November). Understanding anti-bias education: Bringing the four core goals to every facet of your curriculum. Young Children, 74(5).
2. View the video:
Anti-bias curriculum engages preschoolers in discussions. Education Week .
3. Select one (1) of the four anti-bias education (ABE) goals: 1. Identity, 2. Diversity, 3. Justice, and 4. Activism.
4. In your own words, describe the goal and your understanding of what teachers will do and what children will do. Keep in mind always that parents and families are their children’s first teachers and advocates. Use the following format:
Goal: _________________________ (Identity, Diversity, Justice, Activism)
Describe the goal.
Explain what parents and families will do.
Explain what center-based teachers and/or family child care educators will do.
Explain what children will do.
Give an example of how you would apply this goal in a center, a family child care home, or your own home.
5. Peer Response: Using your own words, describe how a classmate/instructor’s post has helped to validate and/or expand your understanding of the ABE goals.
Write a substantive response:
Provide explicit details.
Include specific information from the NAEYC Young Children article and the children’s book you assessed.
Make it relevant to your own professional and/or personal experiences.
Your post should contain a minimum of three to four sentences.
3. Select one (1) of the four anti-bias education (ABE) goals: 1. Identity, 2. Diversity, 3. Justice, and 4. Activism.
4. In your own words, describe the goal and your understanding of what teachers will do and what children will do. Keep in mind always that parents and families are their children’s first teachers and advocates. Use the following format:
Goal: _________________________ (Identity, Diversity, Justice, Activism)
Describe the goal.
Explain what parents and families will do.
Explain what center-based teachers and/or family child care educators will do.
Explain what children will do.
Give an example of how you would apply this goal in a center, a family child care home, or your own home.
5. Peer Response: Using your own words, describe how a classmate/instructor’s post has helped to validate and/or expand your understanding of the ABE goals.
Write a substantive response:
Provide explicit details.
Include specific information from the NAEYC Young Children article and the children’s book you assessed.
Make it relevant to your own professional and/or personal experiences.
Your post should contain a minimum of three to four sentences.
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