Topic 1: Sector-Specific Plans (SSPs) The protection of the critical infrastruct

Topic 1: Sector-Specific Plans (SSPs)
The protection of the critical infrastructure and key resources (CI/KR) is essential to homeland security. In response to a multiplicity of identified threats, sector-specific plans (SSPs) have been designed for several of the CI/KR domains. Each SSP has many unique characteristics but several of the plans share similar attributes. In addition, many of the sectors share interdependencies. For example, the threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences of a natural or man-made disaster in one sector affect other sectors as well.
Designing comprehensive plans that addressed sundry threats and interdependencies was but one of the multitude of challenges faced by security planners. Consequently, a discussion of the similarities, differences, and interdependencies among the SSPs will reveal much about how the plan designers assessed threats and responded to challenges to their sectors.
What risk assessment methodologies were used in the various sector-specific plans reviewed?
Describe some of the key elements of the sector risk assessments.
How are some sector plans similar and some plans different?
What are some of the interdependencies between sectors?
Describe some of the major challenges to protecting CI/KR.
Topic 2: Reflect and Discuss
Now that you have completed this course, reflect on the outcomes as well as your personal goals for the course. This is not intended to be a mere recap of the course. The emphasis here is what you have personally learned and how it will affect your professional goals. Discussing what you have learned during this term will not only help you better process the information, but will help you enhance each other’s learning experience. Please reflect on the previous units and post a response that addresses the following questions:
What prior knowledge did you bring to this course?
What were the most important new ideas you encountered and how did they change your understanding of this class?
Do feel you have met the outcomes in your work on this course? Is there any outcome with which you feel you still need support or assistance?
What have you learned from your discussions and collaborations with your fellow students?
In what specific ways can you use the knowledge you have gained in this course in your chosen profession? What are your strengths and opportunities for growth in this area?
What questions or concerns do you have about what you have studied?
What areas of the subject would you like to continue to explore, and why?

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