This session will work on a group project where you will need to display and des

This session will work on a group project where you will need to display and describe a data set of your choosing. In order to compute and graph the various statistics and graphs, there are a few sessions devoted to learning a statistical software called StatKey.
Project Information
This will be a group project. The size of the groups is between 1-3. You can choose your own groups. In order to see the assignment, you must join a group.
For this project, you must find some sort of published, existing data. Possible sources include almanacs, magazines, and journal articles, textbooks, web resources, athletic teams, newspapers, reference materials, campus organizations, professors with experimental data, electronic data repositories, the sports pages.
The dataset you select must have at least 25 cases. It also must have at least two categorical variables and at least two quantitative variables. It is very helpful to have a dataset that interests you.
Your project report should be clearly written. All tables, graphics, and figures must have full captions, that is one should be able to read the caption and understand fully what is portrayed in the figure. More detailed instructions for the project are contained in the attached documents in the assignment.
Data Sets
There is an attached file called “Data Set Descriptive Guide”. This has many data set you are free to use or you can find your own data sets. All of the data in this guide is on Blackboard for you to download.
There are many other interesting data set for you to find. Below are some webpages that may help spur on ideas for questions of interests for your projects
US Census Bureau,
College Scorecard.
The General Social Survey.
National Center for Education Statistics
StatKet -Software
You should StatKey to complete all the descriptive statistics, figures, tables, and graphics. For your report, you can clip the images you want into your project report.
Attach as an appendix the data used for this report.

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