This classic lab investigation offers modeling of an environmental issue, proble

This classic lab investigation offers modeling of an environmental issue, problem solving, data collection, the subjectivity that also exists in the Nature of Science, and much opportunity for questioning both by the teacher and by students. The lab investigation is an oil spill clean up.
Open the laboratory investigation sheet below and read it thoroughly. In your classroom, you will most likely have the equipment that is listed here, but you can easily use this as a guide and develop a version of the lab using other materials that easily doable in any setting.
For this lab, I am not going to ask you to complete the lab sheet and submit your data. I would like you to try parts of the lab but what I want for you to do is write up an explanation of how you could use this lab investigation in your classroom to promote critical thinking, question asking, and the nature of science. Include what courses this lab could be used in – and it could be used in a lot.

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