There is a list of 12 topics to choose from but I am choosing the topic of FAKE

There is a list of 12 topics to choose from but I am choosing the topic of FAKE NEWS
In this project, you will select a topic discussed in class from the list provided below, conduct additional research on the topic, and share this information in a research paper.
Project 3 consists of:
1. Project Requirements (topics and content to cover)
2. Paper Requirements (content organization)
3. APA Resources (how to cite and select sources)
For the topic below complete ALL THREE sections:
Fake News
(online video source)
A transcriipt of this video is attached
Answer the questions below:
Item 1: Which topic did you select?
Item 2: Why does this topic appeal to you?
NOTE 1: Section 1 should be the shortest section of your paper (10-15%).
SECTION 2: SUMMARIZE THE TOPIC YOU SELECTED USING CLASS RESOURCES (the 2 class resources listed above, the PBS video, and my discussion thread which is attached as a screenshot)
Discuss your topic as presented in class. This is a summary of all the resources used in class relating to the topic.
Item 1: Summarize the information on the topic as presented in the class, using the Read & Watch resources AND any classroom discussion (I attached a screenshot of my discussion post thread, please this) of the topic.
Item 2: Is the topic you selected relevant in a course on digital and social media? Whether you answer yes or no, justify your answer.
Section 2 Sources: Include the source(s) as an in-paper citation and on your References page.
NOTE 2: Section 2 should comprise (30-40%) of your paper.
Provide additional information on the topic you selected by locating ONE new resource (in addition to the resources provided in class) to expand your knowledge of the topic.
Item 1: What additional source did you find on the topic you selected?
Item 2: Why is the source you found (a) relevant, (b) credible, (c) accurate, and (d) unbiased based on what you learned from UMGC’s Guide to Evaluating Research Sources? Address a-d in your answer.
Item 3: What new information did the source contribute to the topic as presented in class?
Section 3 Source: Include at least ONE SOURCE related to your topic that has NOT presented, discussed, or posted in the weekly Read & Watch in class or posted in the 15 topic list above. Include this source as in-paper citation and include it on your References page.
NOTE 3: Section 3 should comprise the majority of your paper (45-60%). This is where your primary focus should be.
Paper Requirements
1. Your paper must follow APA format guidelines throughout.
(A sample APA template for you to use is attached to the bottom of this page. It contains Latin placeholder text. Replace the text with your content).
a. Double-spaced
b. 1-inch Margins
c. 12-point size professional font (e.g. Times New Roman)
d. Header
e. Automatic Page numbers
f. Title page
g. Reference page
2. Length: Minimum of 1,000
(Title page, Reference page, and direct quotes do not count toward the total word count).
NOTE 4: Going over 1,500 words is fine, but if you are under 900 words you will be penalized (10%).
3. Title Page
Your title page must be APA formatted and include the following:
a. Project Name
b. Your Name
c. Course Name and Section Number
d. Semester
e. Instructor’s Name
f. Title of Research Paper Topic
4. References Page
Your References page must be APA formatted.
5. Sources: Include the source(s) from Section 2 and at least one source in Section 3.
Clarification: Please do not use unprofessional sources such as Wikipedia,,,,, or anything remotely similar. Examples of scholarly sources include textbooks, articles, academic journals, and conference proceedings. Scholarly resources are written by experts in their fields, grounded in research, and often refereed (reviewed and edited by researchers in the field). Examples of professional sources include trade journals or magazines. Professional sources are written for a specific audience that works in a certain field. They are not research-based. You can also use our course content (e.g. Read & Watch resources) as a source as well. UMGC has a top-notch, extensive online library. You can find many scholarly and professional sources there.
NOTE 5: You can also use social media (e.g. Twitter posts, blogs, YouTube) sources as well as this is a paper about the use of digital and social media.
6. Setup & Organization
Your paper must include the following pages and Level 1 Headings:
a. Cover Page
b. Topic Introduction (Section 1)
c. Topic Discussion (Section 2)
d. Additional Research (Section 3)
e. Reference Page
APA Resources
UMGC’s Library offers several resources for APA formatting and citation style, including the resources below:
APA 7th Edition: General Rules, Citation Examples, and Video Overview (UMGC Library).

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