The two artists in the file labeled Ali Wodicko Please review the requirements

The two artists in the file labeled Ali Wodicko
Please review the requirements and all the PowerPoints
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This is a GENERAL idea of what you will be covering in the comparison essay. See each presentation for specifics:
Begin by reviewing the slides and watching all videos for the two artists. For each artist, please attend to the following when working on your written responses.
•Visually describe the artwork(s) (consider all your senses) – refer to the PDF’s under ART to help you with vocabulary.
•Describe the artist’s process. What media (paint, paper, clay, etc.) do they work with. What kind of artist (painter, sculptor, installation artist) are they?
•Describe what inspires the artist. Why do they make art the way they do?
•What is your overall impression of the work of the artist? What do you enjoy (and not enjoy) about this artist, their work and process? Be specific and give examples and please be honest – there will be art & artworks you connect to more than others. But, remember, you don’t have to want to hang the art in your living room to appreciate it – or see its value in society.
•What does it make you think about/remind you of? What themes do you see running through the work? What ties the separate pieces together?
•What statement does the artist and/or their artwork say about society and other big ideas (race, gender, social equality for example).
The document should be labeled with your name and the artist’s name above your written response. The file that you submit should be labeled with THE ARTIST’S NAME FIRST AND THEN YOUR NAME as follows: artistlastname_yourlastname.doc. For example: Goldsworthykoons_newman.doc. Please answer the questions in paragraph form. This is a significant portion of your overall grade so I expect you to put a significant amount of time and thought into these written responses. Each essay should be 750-1000 words (2.5-3 pages double spaced).

Posted in Art

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