The topic we chis : ( AI-based app for scanning potential ethical, privacy, secu

The topic we chis : ( AI-based app for scanning potential ethical, privacy, security issues in other apps)
The report should then follow with a Section Heading for each section of the Business Model Canvas, followed by an overall analysis section withpotential applications and ideas for future
sustainability and developments of your innovation. Each section should have between 1 to 2
pages devoted to it. You can include a Bibliography if you have referenced any material, with APA
referencing for the bibliography and any associated in-text citations.
• Customer Segments (2 Marks)
• Value Propositions (2 Marks)
• Channels (2 Marks)
• Customer Relationships (2 Marks)
• Revenue Streams (2 Marks)
• Key Activities (2 Marks)
• Key Resources (2Mark)
• Key Partnerships (2 Marks)
• Cost Structure (2 Marks)
• Professional Report Presentation, Possible Applications, Analysis & Next Steps (2
Individual Student Presentation (10 Marks)
Each student will prepare an individual business pitch to the investor regarding your team
proposal – this will be done by creating and submitting a video between 2 – 4 minutes (the actual
duration timing limits are a minimum of 2 minutes and a maximum 4 minutes duration – marks
will be deducted if the timing is outside these bounds).
Your individual presentation will be aimed at “selling” the proposal to the investor (either myself or
another lecturer) to approve it. You need to indicate the significance of the proposed innovation and
should include, as a minimum, a summary of what is to be done, when, and how, in addition to why
we should invest in it. Your video will start by showing you introducing yourself (to the camera) and
then should go to a PowerPoint slideshow to illustrate your concept and sales pitch.
Your marks for the presentation will be:
• Preparation: Evidence of Preparation (Rehearsal and Timing) 2 Marks
• Professional Presentation Style and Quality of Presentation 3 Marks
• Professional Presentation content and quality of materials 5 Marks

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