The purpose of this discussion is about strategy, strategic fit, the five forces

The purpose of this discussion is about strategy, strategic fit, the five forces, as well as the readings to engage in a debate about whether or not another search engine could become a serious competitor with Google. There are two sides to the debate:
Side A: No other search engine will become a serious competitor of Google in the near future; and
Side B: Another search engine will be able to become a serious competitor of Google in the near future.
(discuss can from several aspects: Is “search” a winner-take-all business ?Why is Google dominant in search and by extension digital advertising? What is their advantage? a SWOT analysis for Google; network effects (include a discussion of complementary goods) and learning curve outcomes in relation to Google; Are there any additional things that Google could do/add that would enable them to remain so dominant? If so, what are some options/examples you can think of?Who are Google’s main competitors; Identify competitors, their strengths and weaknesses and why they struggle to compete with Google; What would you have to do to compete with Google?)
1. A 200 word initial post where you clearly take a side (please state your side)—chose side B
2. Two 200 word responses to posts that hold the opposite side(side A)— ( there are 2 posts, so need two responses)—see the attachments

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