The assignments in this course build on one another to culminate in your Progr

The assignments in this course build on one another to culminate in your Program Evaluation Plan.  In order to plan a program evaluation, we must first understand the program and the needs of the population served.  You may use the elements in bold below as headings in your paper. For this assignment, you will compose a 3 to 4-page paper (paper MUST be in APA) with the following components:
Identify and describe a criminal justice program in your community (you may use the program described in Discussion Post #2). 
What is the mission of the program and the specific population served? 
What services does this program provide?
In what way does this particular program address a significant need in the community? Make sure to cite the relevant information source to support the need for the program. 
In what way(s) would the program benefit from an evaluation?
What are some ethical considerations in the planning and implementation of this program evaluation?
If you were hired as an external evaluator to evaluate this program, what are some initial steps you would take to plan this evaluation?

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