The ability for human thought processes to be studied and replicated through mac

The ability for human thought processes to be studied and replicated through machine learning continues to rise and be utilized within organizations to create a competitive advantage. This also adds to the ability to share more information add to existing vulnerabilities.
Recall that the text and other readings talk about data discounts. For example, if you plug a data logging device into your car, you may receive an insurance discount. But, who determined the correlation between certain driving behaviors (e.g., rate of acceleration) and accident likelihood? Who vetted this research as factual as opposed to someone simply enjoying their sporty automobile? What other data is collected about my driving? Location? Can this data be used against me if a claim were to arise? Could that data be subpoenaed by an opposing attorney in an accident with injuries case to attempt to identify fault? Finally, if you opt out from data collection, is it fair to be penalized (e.g., pay a higher rate or not receive a discount)? The future of analytics-based decision making is here but is it a fair way to treat an individual; as a data point? How do algorithms play a role in the future of analytics and information security?
Write a 2-4 page paper (not including title or reference pages) with your thoughts and opinions based on what you’ve learned in this class on how the landscape of data privacy will change in the next 50 years as it relates to information systems and knowledge sharing. Include your thoughts on:
The role of government in data ethics, management, and security
The role of the organization in data ethics, management, and security
The role of the individual in having the freedom to choose how their data is used, levels of anonymity, and for how long their data is stored
What ownership rights should and shouldn’t coexist with one’s data
*The paper will automatically be evaluated through Turnitin in this activity.*
Refer to the rubric for detailed grading criteria.
Critical Analysis- Excellent (A) – Answers have an excellent level of critical analysis present.
Accuracy- Excellent (A) – Responses to all questions are completely accurate (correct).
Organization- Excellent (A) – Submitted deliverable is well organized and presented.
Style & Mechanics- Excellent (A) – Chooses words for their precise meaning and uses an appropriate level of specificity. Sentence style fits audience and purpose. Sentences are clearly structured and carefully focused. Almost entirely free of errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Formatting & APA Style- Excellent (A) – Deliverable is formatted well and the questions & responses are presented clearly using APA style.

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