Submit a WBS for a fictitious or a real project with a minimum of 15 activities

Submit a WBS for a fictitious or a real project with a minimum of 15 activities and the first three levels (e.g., task, subtask, activity). A real project may be something that you managed or are managing. You may use Microsoft Project, Microsoft Excel, or another program to complete this task.
What to Submit
Short papers should use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to the APA citation method. Page-length requirements: 1–2 pages 
The paper must Include all of the main elements and requirements and cites multiple examples to illustrate each element.  Provides in-depth analysis that demonstrates a complete understanding of multiple concepts.  All of the course concepts are correctly applied.  Draws insightful conclusions that are thoroughly defended with evidence. Incorporates many scholarly resources effectively that reflect the depth and breadth of research.  

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