Step 1: Find an article (NOT a review) from the last five years (since 2015) fr

Step 1:
Find an article (NOT a review) from the last five years (since 2015) from any of the following journals:
Theater Journal
Theater Survey
The Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism
Theater Topics (My personal recommendation for this assignment)
VIDEO: How to Find an Article
Step 2:
Read your article, then scan through it a few more times to make sure you get the basics. At this point, it will probably be helpful to identify the thesis of the article, its central argument. This is usually summarized somewhere toward the end of the introduction.
Step 3:
Write a summary of your article. First and foremost, this should be in your voice. Don’t try to write it in “academic” language, unless that’s how you tend to write normally. And especially don’t just copy the abstract if the article has one. That would be plagiarism.
I want you to make sure you tell me 1) the main argument the author is making, 2) how the author supports that argument, and 3) what significance you think this article has to our class, the study of theater, or the creation of theater (or all three).
It should take you around 500 words to do this.

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