Robert Kelley (1992), author of The Power of Followership, suggested that effec

 Robert Kelley (1992), author of The Power of Followership, suggested that effective followers possess four common qualities:
They are self-managing and able to work effectively without direct supervision;
They are very committed to the organization’s goals;
They possess a high level of competence and mastery of their job skills; and
They act with a high level of credibility and ethics in their job performance.
In this Discussion, you will consider what it means to be a good follower and will consider your own effectiveness in that role.
To prepare for this Discussion:
Review this week’s Learning Resources on followership.
Consider your own strengths and areas for growth as a follower and how you might improve your followership skills.
Post a summary of what effective followership entails, including an analysis of your own effectiveness as a follower. Based on your reading and analysis of this week’s Learning Resources, as well as your own experience and observations, respond to the following:
Do you see yourself as an effective follower? Why or why not? Be sure to provide examples.
What are your strengths and weaknesses, or shortcomings, in being an effective follower? What actions can you take to improve your followership skills?
How can being an effective follower translate to effective leadership? Hint: Your discussion should consider how the “followers” empower or enable the leader’s behaviors (for good or bad).
What recommendations would you make for leaders to better empower and support their followers to meet their goals?
Note: Be sure to justify your conclusions with supporting examples from your own personal experiences or those of others, from current events, and from the Learning Resources.
Refer to the Week 4 Discussion Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this grading rubric to assess your work.
Read some of your colleagues’ postings.|A350337252&v=2.1&it=r&sid=ebsco&asid=66bbcdaa

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