Review the article, Feminism and psychology: Analysis of a half-century of r

Review the article, Feminism and psychology: Analysis of a half-century of research on women and gender. Consider the factors that led to the emergence and evolution of gender theories and research.
Review the section on stereotypes in the Encyclopedia of Gender in Media. Reflect on the meaning and implications of gender stereotypes.
Read the remaining resources on gender. Pay particular attention to how gender stratification, gender schema, and moral reasoning theories account for the development of stereotypes.
Identify one gender stereotype that exists. Think about how the theories and research you read about this week explain the development of this stereotype. Then consider the implications of the stereotype on individuals who identify as men, women, or non-binary if the stereotype is perpetuated.
 Post a response to the following:
Describe one gender stereotype that exists. Then explain how gender theories (e.g., gender schema theory, moral reasoning, gender stratification theories) and related research might explain the development of this stereotype. Finally, explain the possible implications for  individuals who identify as men, women, or non-binary if this stereotype you identified is perpetuated. Be specific.
Note: Support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources and any additional sources you identify using both in-text citations and references. It is strongly recommended that you include proper APA format and citations.

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